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Military Forces confirm the Easter Story


Hello and welcome to God’s Gym, the podcast where we consider how we can reach our full potential as human beings, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Jesus said he had come that we might have life in abundance, and we ask, what is abundant life and how can we live it?

I am Mark, and Army Chaplain and with me is Paul, an Army Scripture reader and today we are talking about the Easter story and how much the military were involved in the arrest and execution of Jesus and surprisingly how they add to the truthfulness of the news about the resurrection.

The Easter story has a lot of detail about military personnel and operations in Jerusalem.

Rome was the occupying force in Palestine back in that day. Interestingly where soldiers are central to the whole story of the life of Jesus, sometimes they are pictured as positively impacted by the events. I would not be surprised if some of them became followers of Jesus afterwards.In the New Testament we find four soldiers, centurions in the Roman army. All are mentioned in favourable light. Jesus said that one of these had greater faith than He had found in all Israel.

Thursday Evening

After the last supper and an agonising time in the garden of Gethsemane, a Jewish Temple guard come to arrest Jesus. Interestingly the disciples have some swords and are ready for a fight and indeed, a soldier has his ear cut off by Peter and Jesus heals it! I wonder what went on in that particular soldier’s mind in the following hours and days?

That’s an interesting thought, for the servant/soldier was only doing his job at the garden that evening when they came to arrest Jesus, but having seen the flash of the sword he ducked in time, not to lose his head, but only his ear. Peter the sword swashing disciple gets a rebuke from the Lord and Malchus gets a healing touch. Some believe that Malchus was later numbered amongst the believers at Jerusalem, we don’t know for sure but we can be sure of one thing, from that night on, whenever Malchus would hear people talk about the carpenter who rose from the dead, he wouldn’t scoff, but rather would tug at his earlobe and know that it was possible.

To and fro with the King, the Jewish Government and the ultimate power in the land: The Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. He was more of a politician than a soldier but in charge of the garrison in this very troubled part of the world. Desperate to keep the peace and presumably his job. We have some indication he was not in favour with the Emperor and had been sent to this really difficult part of the world as a punishment.

His wife is also an interesting character in the story.

Good Friday

After a number of trials Jesus stand before the governor, Pilate: what is truth? Fake news and questions over reality are eternal issues.

Finally, the decision is made and responsibilities accepted that Jesus will be executed by the Romans. After a brutal flogging and journey through the streets, crucifixion was the method of final execution, Brutal but designed to subdue the population. Interestingly some in ancient times actually died on the way to the point of execution, that is how brutal the journey was especially after being flogged and so on.

Weakened from loss of blood, a visiting Jew from North Africa, was compelled to carry the cross. Simon of Cyrene, was just visiting, and they forced him to carry Jesus’ cross. This was certainly not his idea of celebrating Passover. And they brought Jesus to a place called Golgotha (which means Skull Hill).’

Crucifixion was a horrible means of death and when Rome saw fit that a person deserved the death penalty the sentence was carried out by its soldiers, its legionnaires and overseen by a centurion. I can just see in my mind's eye this centurion arriving at his barracks that morning to receive his orders for the day and he gets briefed that he has to put to death 3 prisoners. We can shudder at that thought, but for these roman soldiers it was just another day at the office for them, this was their job, their duty.

At the site of the execution, it is going to be a long day and presumably part of the process is to ensure as many see the crucifixion, so it is carried out on a main road just outside the capital city.

It was nine o clock in the morning when they arrive at the place of execution, “They offered him wine drugged with myrrh, but he refused it.” (v. 23). A narcotic, pain-reducing drink was offered before execution. Jesus refused it.

Slow steady suffocation, blood loss and pain

Pilate orders a sign to be hung above Jesus’ head saying ‘The King of the Jews’

The Jewish authorities said, “Change it from to ‘He said, I am King of the Jews.’ Pilate said, “I have written what I have written. It stays exactly as it is.”

I find that really interesting, something is going on in Pilate’s mind.

Three hours later, at noon, darkness fell over the land: no record of eclipse or anything else, some strange supernatural event. Jesus cries out and one soldier offers Jesus some water on a sponge on a stick showing some sympathy. This and the use of narcotics to dull the pain show the process was almost mechanical, procedural but the soldiers were not just psychopaths. This was their job but they had some care for those dying.

Then Jesus breathes his last breath and we are told there was an earthquake and the officer in charge of the crucifixion is stunned and says: “Surely this was the Son of God”

The centurion had seen many men die but he had never seen any other die like this man, and because of the things he had seen and the things he had heard the realisation burst upon his understanding that the man whose crucifixion he had just supervised was certainly no criminal, but also no ordinary mortal-‘ Truly this was the Son of God

It is amazing that in the way Jesus died, people believe he is God!

Another criticism of the resurrection, questions whether Jesus actually died.

Let me tell you about professional soldiers. A professional soldier is trained, equipped and under authority. The roman soldier was a professional. When told to execute a prisoner, he is trained, experienced and does as ordered.

And Jesus was crucified on a main road outside the Jewish Capital City, so there would be lots of scrutiny. This was not done in secret.

As evening approached, the two thieves either side of Jesus were dispatched, and then Jesus was seen to be dead, and all were taken down. Trust me, Jesus was dead. Trust the professionalism of Rome’s soldiers.

Crucifixion was meant to be a slow death, the prisoners in order to help them breath would support their body weight by pushing up on their legs, but as time passed on the soldiers would break the legs of the prisoners in order to speed up their death. The bible records that Jesus was already dead, but the soldier plunged a spear into his side to make sure.

And then when buried in the tomb, the Jewish Government approached the Roman Governor and secured HIS soldiers who were in charge of guarding the Temple, the Koustodia, to guard the tomb. Again, there were elite soldiers tasked with keeping peace in one of the most troubled parts of the empire, in the heart of Jewish religion. And they placed the seal of the Empire on the tomb, this meant death to any who opened it. This was the ultimate territorial warning. There is no way this mission is going to fail.

A soldiers Guard Duty

When a soldier reports for guard duty, usually the duty officer will call the guard to fall in so he can Parade them, Inspect them, Brief them and to send them to their duty in order to relieve others from theirs. A soldier is only as good as he stands fast, firm and faithful to all that has been trusted to him.

Easter Saturday

No mention in the bible but the guard over the tomb continued. Maybe they talked about the events and why they, an elite unit, were guarding a criminal’s tomb?

Roman night was broken into four shifts so in order to stay alert and responsive some would be sleeping, some eating and doing admin and some mounting a guard with a guard commander. This is a professional business and we still do things this way today. It is in no one’s interest to fall asleep or be caught unawares!

Soldiers upon beginning guard duty are usually briefed about the local threats and concerns in regard their specific guard duty, what is expected of them and what to look out for. In Soltau, Germany our Bde Cmd was entertaining the Burgomaster(Lord Mayor) at his home and a guard had to be supplied to provide security for the nights events. I with several others at short notice were detailed to patrol the large grounds. I can remember the moans of some of the guard of having to be there but it was our job and we just knuckled down and got on with it.

The prospect of leaving their beds in the garrison to remain all night in exposed garden was not attractive. Those disgruntled soldiers probably considered the fears of the Jews to be unjustified.

You can hear the soldiers grumble

Why should any man risk his life to rob a grave?

If the disciples of the dead man had failed to help their leader when He was alive, they would hardly attempt anything when He no longer existed!

Really though? This was an elite unit and if the Imperial seal was broken, then they would all be executed along with anyone suspected of breaking in. other examples of the time show that major investigations ensued, and many were executed usually by upside down crucifixion. This is a serious charge which is why Pilate maybe gave his elite guard to the job.

I wonder if Pilate had his suspicions the rumours may be true, and Jesus may do something?

Easter Sunday

Well, on the first Easter Sunday, the tomb is reported empty, and the Jewish Government put the story out that the guards had slept, and the disciples had stolen the body.

When sentries were caught sleeping on duty, they were executed; slumber threatened the safety of their comrades.

That is not how things work when the empire is in charge!

The gospels tell us that they fled when confronted by an angel.

How Much Did the Soldiers Know?

You can picture the scene of the soldiers who were awaiting relief from their task, while others who had completed their watch might have been sleeping when the earth began to shake. As buildings swayed and the earth split, the terrified soldiers trembled. Then suddenly they saw the angel sitting outside the tomb.

It is written that he came and rolled back the stone, but whether this was done by his touch or whether the angel used the strength of the earthquake is not known.

Yet even the soldiers knew that something unusual was taking place.

The soldiers only saw the angel for a moment, but the vision was unforgettable.

Romans believed in many deities, but none of these ever sent an angel to converse with men and women.

If those military men heard the testimony of their centurion,

"Truly, this was the Son of God", they would have been increasingly anxious.

The change in the disciples and the impact on the City of Jerusalem and the Roman Empire. From fear and running away to confrontation and public preaching. Within weeks, these disciples were willing to die for their belief in the resurrection and some did.

After serving for a specified period of time, Roman soldiers returned to their homeland and for many of them they would soon discover the message of Christ had preceded their arrival at their towns and cities.

It is interesting as to why God chose that moment in history to send Jesus into the world but the Roman Empire with its roads and forts and enforced peace meant people could travel swiftly and safely around the known world! It’s a perfect time to get an important message out to the world!

Two on road to Emmaus, down and defeated at Jesus’ death, they soon returned to Jerusalem when they had met with Jesus.

The centurion stood beneath Christ’s cross. He had witnessed many a thing that day and though he probably didn’t know a great deal, he knew enough to take his place beneath the cross of Christ, and that is all that God asks of a person today, that they too would take time to consider who Jesus is and what Jesus has done.

It is amazing that there are so many soldiers involved in the Easter story, and they are not the blunt instruments you might think but some show real faith and insight. Pontius Pilate wrestles with serious meaning of life stuff, the Centurion at the cross says clear words of faith in this dying criminal. And the whole grave guard business just confirm the story rings true and something fantastic happened on that first easter Sunday.

There is so much more we could say about this and while we must leave it there, the next step is to go read the gospels for yourself and the book of Acts to see what happens next. There are more soldiers mentioned including the first gentile or non-Jewish disciple, the imperial guards around the Apostle Paul and Paul even saves the lives of all the soldiers on a sinking ship. So much more to consider so go grab a copy of the bible and get reading!

If you are listening and want to think let us know what you think then do get in contact via twitter or Instagram or leave a message on the podcast webpage. If there are topics or issues you would like us to address, we are always open to suggestions.

Until next time, thank you for listening and remember that you are capable of so much, God tells us so, so keep striving to reach your full potential as God made you.

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